Say NO To Painted Shells

This is a picture of my crab who changed into a new natural shell within minutes after I put him in his new home. I had two other crabs in painted shells who also changed shells after they molted.

Please click on link below and sign the petition on no to painted shells.  

Petition For No To Painted Shells  

Please click On Link Below And Watch The Video    

How They Paint Shells And Treat Hermit Crabs

Sea shells are vital for the well being of land hermit crabs. The natural sea shells hermit crabs use are to protect their vulnerable abdomen and store shell water to prevent from drying out.

Painting a natural sea shell is a marketing ploy that can be harmful to the hermit crabs it is trying to sell. It cost more for a crab in a painted shell and to buy painted shells. The hermit crabs are forced into the painted shells with no natural shell for it to change into, when they would prefer to be in a natural shell. I bought 3 crabs in a painted shell as soon as they changed into a natural shell I took out the painted shell. There are shell painting kits out there, please don't buy them. The paint can crack and fall off which can be harmful to the crabs. Painted shells can entrap the crab, get sticky and get glued into his shell by sticky paint. Buy natural shells they prefer to live in.

Hermit Crabs are living creatures and should be treated as such.

Thank You For Not Using Painted Shells.  

Click on link below. 

  Say NO to Crabinacup sold at Walmart stores



Easy, simple information on caring for hermit crabs.