Food You Can Feed Hermit Crabs

Grapes- Raisin- Apple- Coconut- Banana- Pineapple- Honey Dew- Orange- Carrot- Celery- Green Bell Pepper- Broccoli-Lettuce- Tomato- Shrimp- Salmon- Chicken- Turkey-Almonds- Quaker Oats- Oat Bran- Grandola- Hard Boil Egg-Egg Shell.

A treat is something you give occasionally, popcorn, cheerios.

Don't feed them process food that have sugar, salt or grease in it. Feed unseasoned food.

I'm trying out different natural and organic food which are better for them. Cuttle bones or oyster shells (bird food) are good for them as it provides them with the calcium they need. I no longer buy food at the pet store for them. I buy on line from two places.

The Crabbage Patch Store   Hermit Crab Addiction Store  Hermit Crab Food Trials

New food I've tried and my crabs love it! FMR Fruit Treat and Organic Soil/Diet, you can get both at The Crabbage Patch Store.

Click on link for a homemade hermit crab recipe- Sue's Crabby Meal

Hermit Crab Recipes- Healthy Recipes For Hermit Crabs

Here you can buy food as well- Anything Crabby


Easy, simple information on caring for hermit crabs.